Multimedia Collections mixed with Toys. Reviews mixed with Philosophically-Waxed Ramblings.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Hero's Edge Fire Axe ()

Camera is borked; this makes me laugh *shrug*

This contains something known to California to cause cancer or birth defects.
Ergo, don't buy one if you're pregnant or generally fearful.

This doesn't have a name, so I'm just using the one from the game.
Use your eyes and mind when shopping. You'll figure it out. 
I have faith.

I'm going to excise my ramblings, leaving nothing but my assessment of the piece itself, since I have parted with all of my Silent Hill media.

It's a great piece, in spite of the objective criticism that I'm ultimately going to deliver; I have no intention of giving it up, unless a friend happens to ever want it.

Unlike the Rusty Axe, the handle on this one is rock solid. I can't squish it for the life of me. It might as well actually be wood. It's incredible! Especially compared to the one that I checked out at Halloween City, last year. That one had a cold, clammy, gummy feel to it. I imagine it would degrade and get full-on sticky VERY FAST. Avoid that one!
DON'T HIT ANYONE OR ANYTHING WITH THIS, OR SWING IT LIKE AN OLYMPIAN, BECAUSE EYE-RELATED CATASTROPHE IS 100% POSSIBLE. Yep, the head comes off just the same as the other one, and you can swap them if you are so inclined. I don't think they look good reversed, but you do you!

The blade absolutely needed more paint, right on the edge itself. Red is poking through throughout, down the length of it.

As such—and as with the Rusty Axe—I'm pleased since I got it as cheap as I did. Unfortunately, the (lack of) paint on the blade makes it such that I don't recommend getting this for full price,.

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