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Friday, November 27, 2015

Buster Gear Series 05: Morphin' Blaster (2012)

This…this one pains me a bit, but not much. The voice in here simply isn’t Beet J. Stag. Maybe it was an early take on him they (wisely) decided to change, but really it sounds like Cheeda Nick trying to make a prank phone call. Everything else is…golden. The change from phone to gun for henshining is scintillatingly kinetic. The vibration sensor for “voice” commands never failed to work perfectly for me. The methodology for achieving the henshin or the hissatsu is slightly changed up and the Stag Buster colored accents on the barrel….shit yeah~

Jin and J deserve no less.

A note about comparisons is below the cut.

BC-04 out of 5

I could not determine if the audio was rerecorded for the Korean release. As this happened with the Korean Tensouder and W Driver, however, I would STRONGLY advise caution in purchasing Go-Busters items with voice-clip functionality from their Power Rangers Go-Bursters line.

Even if J’s voice is incorrect in the original, the henshin call and finisher ARE accurate and a loss to be had, if the audio was changed.

I will not be following the Hasbro line for the sake of comparisons.

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