Multimedia Collections mixed with Toys. Reviews mixed with Philosophically-Waxed Ramblings.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Trilogies Collection

Who doesn't love a threesome? When it comes to film there's something oddly satisfying about a trilogy. If the first one is lucky enough to be a success then a sequel can build upon it or tie up any threads that were left hanging. A third film can serve as a timely farewell. Or may in fact exist solely to milk cash from completists.

Because what's below the cut is alphabetical, to make life simpler for myself I'm not including the titles of individual films. Instead, I'll put the title by which they're known collectively, followed by links that'll take you to the relevant post on the relevant blog (opens in new window each time). It's a BIG list.

NOTE: If text is coloured pink, it means no review currently exists for it.

NOTE II: I've only included films that to date are an actual trilogy. If the series has gone past three it doesn't make the list. I'm sad about that, too, because it means I can't include the original Planet of the Apes Saga, the Zatoichi movies, the Female Prisoner Scorpion Series and a ton more. Maybe someday I'll do a post that covers films that have gone past the magic number. If so, I can move from here to there any series that have since did the same.

If I've screwed up any links, please tell me in comments and I'll correct them.

If any of the Mixed Nuts authors notice a cock-up, be a sport and fix it.

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