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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Henshin Brace Shift Changer (2008)

As much as some malign cell-phone changers, I love them. In this era, they're the most logical thing a person could ever carry on them, at all times. I can suspend disbelief to a monumental degree, but I don’t expect the people in each series’ individual worlds to do so as much as some require. Fans of brace changers aren’t the ones who have to willfully ignore them sitting on the wrists of heroes on a day-to-day basis*. If nothing else, this one is pretty slim? It comes with Hant and Gunpei's Change Soul and a brace that has a lot of velcro, but not a lot of length. It's easily modded with additional velcro, though. This only completes the bottom of the Handle Blaster (discussed here), but the gap in the top is a neat look.

I'd only recommend it to diehard Gunpei fans.

Comparisons are below the cut.

2 Trips Down the Manhole out of 5

The Rev Morpher is fairly similar, but obviously thinner as the Engine Cells are smaller than Engine Souls. The changer itself makes the noises since the Cells have no electronics. The small amount of chrome on the shifter has been removed. That's a plus, in my opinion. It comes with the correct Change Cell and the Cell for the Tail Spinner (Birca).

*Yes, I know that in Go-Onger the entire populace comes to be aware of them; they even have a running popularity poll! I'm speaking in generalities, and this was where my defense of cell-phone changers decided to manifest itself. *shrug*

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