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Monday, August 10, 2015

Engine Gattai Series 07 — Engine Toripter (2008)

I have always loved Toripter. It’s partially because of his personality (as sampled on the included Engine Soul) and partly because his rotors are engineered well enough that I can overlook the fact that he has great difficulty in pantomiming his drawing back of Jetras’s bow. You can unlatch the lid to his Engine Soul compartment to get him bending towards it, at least. You do have to rotate him forward to spin his rotors when attached to Engine-Oh or as part of Seikuu-Oh, too.

He’s coming off as problematic, but as someone who displays mecha as opposed to actually playing with them, and as a fan of the character, I’m just not THAT concerned.

Comparisons between the various versions are below the cut.

4 Big Brothers To Everyone out of 5

Having owned the Bandai Asia release, I can confirm it is more or less identical to the BoJ original. The American version accomplishes much the same in a slightly less polished way while completely foregoing voice-clip functionality. Ebay will wreck your wallet. Enlist the help of a middleman service to scour Yahoo Japan Auctions or try your hand at Mandarake.

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